Friday, December 11, 2009

this lab was amazing i use the move tool, blending option, warp text, was a great experience doing this project. Its great work with animation but when you see the end of your work ohh is more wonderful.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


in this lab i use render video to transform my animation into a video. is great create your own video animation.


Monday, November 16, 2009

Animation is an optical illusion of motion due to phenomenon of persistence of vision and be created in many ways.animations are visual effects applied to individual items on the slide such as graphics, titles or bullet point . Animations are different than transition which are the movements of the whole slide.
Exist different kind of animation like traditional animation ,Stop motion, computer animation 2d animation etc. I like use the traditional animation.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


For this lab i use the filter artistic making different option like for the first i use Liquify also for the other i use poster edges plastic warp and they are amazing , and if i have to work with some of this I pick plastic warp.

Friday, November 6, 2009


This picture is from the movie the Freddy vs Jason.

In this project i used the move tool , quick selection tool for make a better selection and the erase .

For this i used the text tool quick selection also and change the color of the background.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pr3 p1

In this i used the tool Custom shape, text blending option,warp option this project was the most that i like is amazing.

For this i used the tool Dodged ,Burn Sponge and shape. This project was the most difficult for me but was amazing.

For this one i used the tool clone, and healing this also was great is incredible what you can do.

For this i used also the tool clone.and the healing. these preoject were wonderful i really like it .

Monday, October 26, 2009


I used the clone stamp tool to clone the grass and the healing brush tool to remove the sprinklers.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

lb6 jeniffer martinez pd1

stay in front the optical illusion for 10 seconds looking then close your are suppost to see the same picture but with the different colors

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Reflection Journal Question

El layer mask indica el area que esta seleccionada haciendo que el trabajo sea mas facil, tambien con ella podemos mostrar o esconder porciones de la imagen para trabajar en areas especificas. el color rojo te va a decir lo que tu puedes cambiar de la area que esta seleccionada, el negro es la mascara indicadora de la area de la foto que va hacer borrada y el blanco es la mascara de la seleccion que va a salvar.En mask yo use la herramienta quick selection que es mejor y mas facil para mi porque te selecciona mejor y no dejas ningun espacio en blanco.el adjustment layer en photoshop nos permite cambiar y corregir a nuestra imagen en forma constructiva es decir para darle una mejor vista .Los ajustes se hacen en diferentes capas asi podemos sacar provecho .Lassos porque es mas rapido y efectivo y tambien no tene tantos pasos.

Friday, October 9, 2009

LB2 jeniffer martinez pd1

p1 jeniffer martinezpd1

1. What was the objective of the task?
know how to use the tools and put into practice what you learned.

2. What picture did you decide to use and why?
I decided to use the picture of Jennifer Lopez because she is a person who has been able to realize their dreams. and social work to be done to make an example to dry.

3. How did it turn out compared to what you were planning on doing?
more or less because I really did not have a secure idea, but the result is incredible and I have my first time to charm me.

4. What was the most difficult aspect of this project?
This project i think that was easy and there was no aspect difficult.

5. If you were to re-do this project, what would you do differently or add to it?
I think that I change the background or the place.

pr2ruffy in the lost world

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009

chef fruits.

First i use the magic wand for select the melon.
then i use every tool for every fruits.and i saved every fruit with their own layer.when i had all layer i did background and I start to build the Chef with every fruits.

I learn how i can use the program Photoshop and how work the tools.And i like work with the tool magic wand and marquee too easy work with them and more fun.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Homework #1 Multimedia. p1

1.This tool is for retouching a poto,is used to define a borde width 1pixel either horizontal or vertical.Whit this tool we can make selections in the form of rectangle,ellipse,rows and columns of a pixel.

2.The magic wand lets you select areas of similar bright color pixel based on what has made clik.

3.The lasso tool is used when you alter a photo.

4.That they for different way can be a better photo, and they have in common enhance photos and do a good job.

5.this i don't understand.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Juxtaposition is something that help you to understand how you can save money is something that not is real but they help you like GEICO.