Monday, November 16, 2009

Animation is an optical illusion of motion due to phenomenon of persistence of vision and be created in many ways.animations are visual effects applied to individual items on the slide such as graphics, titles or bullet point . Animations are different than transition which are the movements of the whole slide.
Exist different kind of animation like traditional animation ,Stop motion, computer animation 2d animation etc. I like use the traditional animation.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


For this lab i use the filter artistic making different option like for the first i use Liquify also for the other i use poster edges plastic warp and they are amazing , and if i have to work with some of this I pick plastic warp.

Friday, November 6, 2009


This picture is from the movie the Freddy vs Jason.

In this project i used the move tool , quick selection tool for make a better selection and the erase .

For this i used the text tool quick selection also and change the color of the background.